Leadership Quarterly: I get by with a little help from my supervisor

LQThis time our team (Matej Cerne, Anders Dysvik and myself) banged our heads together to see how important is leadership support for innovation process (idea implementation to be precise). I am truly proud to announce that editor and reviewers at prominent management journal Leadership Quarterly found our contribution significant both for leadership and innovation scholars as well as practitioners and have accepted it for publication. Below are some details:

Škerlavaj, Miha, Černe, Matej, & Dysvik, Anders (In press): I get by with a little help from my supervisor: Creative idea generation, idea implementation, and perceived supervisor support. Leadership Quarterly.

In two studies using both field (165 employees and their 24 direct supervisors from a manufacturing firm in Study 1) and experimental (123 second-year undergraduate student participants in lab Study 2) data, we explore how perceived supervisor support acts as a crucial contingency that enables higher levels of idea implementation from creative-idea generation. First, we suggest that excessive creative-idea generation (in terms of both frequency and creativity of ideas) can lead to diminished returns with regards to idea implementation. Drawing on a resource allocation framework, we hypothesize and find a curvilinear inverse U-shaped relationship between employee creative-idea generation and implementation. Second, we examine perceived supervisor support as a moderator of the curvilinear inverse U-shaped relationship between idea generation and implementation. In line with our second hypothesis, we find that higher levels of perceived supervisor support dampen the curvilinear relationship between creative-idea generation and idea implementation. Accordingly, perceived supervisor support seems to provide employees with access to resources and support needed for idea implementation, making highly creative ideas more implementable.