FELU EQUIS reacredited

Very good news: my school, Faculty of Economics @ University of Ljubljana just got reacredited by one of the two most important business school acreditations worldwide – EQUIS. This ranks us in terms of quality of our research, teaching and impact among 118 top business schools worldwide. Indeed, a stimulus and obligation for future work – both individually as well as institutionally.  More here.

Creative teaching business and economics in international classroom

Ekonomska fakulteta (Mednarodna pisarna in Služba za kakovost, katere predstojnik sem) je v sodelovanju z Dokuz Eylul University, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University in Windesheim University of Applied Sciences (članice NICE Network) organizirala in gostila prvi mednarodni teden izobraževanja za pedagoške delavce z naslovom Creative teaching business and economics in the international classroom. Mednarodna delavnica je potekala na Ekonomski fakulteti v mednarodni zasedbi. Namen dogodka je bil vzpodbuditi k sodelovanju pedagoge, ki poučujejo v mednarodnih razredih. Več na tej povezavi.

Management International Conference 2009

I’m off to Tunisia, where I’ll be presenting a paper at the Management International Conference 2009 (Sousse). The paper is result of a collaboration with a colleague Jesús David Sánchez de Pablo González del Campo, University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain). It is titled The Organizational Learning Process as Facilitator of Innovativeness. Below is the abstract:

Due to the relevance of innovativeness in the competitiveness and survival of a company in a constantly changing environment, we have questioned about how to facilitate innovativeness in organizations. Some recent literature presents organizational learning process as the key factor in order for innovation to occur. For this reason, we have tried to analyze the influence of organizational learning process on innovativeness using the partial least square (PLS) approach to structural equation modeling on data from 107 Spanish companies. We understand innovativeness as a combination of innovative culture and product/service and process innovation. Moreover, we have defined organizational learning as a continuous process with four phases. All of them must get to a high importance if firm wants to reach their aims with regard to innovation because the results of our research confirm a positive and significant relation between organizational learning and innovativeness as well as previous researches.

Global HR Forum 2009


Just came back from a marvellous event called Global HR Forum 2009, held in Seoul, Republic of Korea (Nov 3 – Nov 5 2009) where I was invited to give a speech on the role of learning -oriented and innovative culture as a tool for managing change. I have to say that I was amazed by impecable organization and genuine warmth of our Korean hosts. In addition to this, the largest award for every speaker is to experience such a true eagerness to learn as I have from the large audience of Korean CEOs, HR professionals, policy makers and consultants. There were also a plethora of excellent talks from great practitioneers, scholars, consultants and global decision makers. Everybody is kindly invited to have a look at the Global HR Forum You Tube Channel, where all the talks will be made available in few weeks time.