Intervju v Podobah znanja

Vabljeni k poslušanju pogovora z novinarko Nino Slaček na radiju ARS, ki v oddaji Podobe znanja gosti letošnje prejemnike Zoisovih nagrad in priznanj. Počaščen sem, da se lahko tudi sam podelil nekaj besed o prispevkih znanosti o ravnanju z znanjem in inovativnostjo, ki jih ustvarjamo z mojimi soavtorji. Pogovarjala sva se tudi o tem, kako lahko znanost o organizacijskem vedenju in vodenju prispeva k reševanju najbolj perečih izzivov sedanjosti in prihodnosti.

Zois recognition 2020

How to establish the age of the oldest preserved wooden wheel in the world? How to create sustainable energy solutions? What is out there in the space? Why do we hide knowledge? How can we continuously innovate? These are some of the research questions recipients of the Slovenian national research and development Zois and Puh awards keep asking themselves. This years ceremony was anything but ordinary. For obvious reasons, interviews, videos, one-on-one award reception at the presidential palace, they were all prerecorded and magically weaved together. For any scientist (by profession or by heart), yesterday’s documentary on RTVSLO 2 must have felt like kid in a candy store. While watching the whole event at the home sofa, I noticed some special sparks in younger pairs of eyes right besides me. Curiosity and wonder – science and research exactly like they are supposed to be.

And now, drums please, the Zois recognition the contribution to the world science about knowledge and innovation management goes to … yours truly. Which feels deeply honoring and simply ecstatic. Worth mentioning, science is a team sport. Therefore, my sincere gratitude goes to all of my coauthors, mentors, colleagues, friends and research support staff that made all of this possible in the first place. The list is long and I will do injustice to many. Hope they will find it in their heart to forgive me. Still, I would like to pay special gratitude to the selected few that contributed most in the period to which recognition is given. They are Matej Černe (SEB LU), Arne Carlsen and Anders Dysvik (both BI), Spencer Harrison (INSEAD), Catherine Connelly (McMaster University), and Christina Nerstad (OsloMet) as well as all the wonderful people at School of Economics and Business University of Ljubljana and BI Norwegian business School. Thank you!

Understanding knowledge hiding at work

Following decades of research and practical focus within the area of knowledge work on sharing and transfer, the attention has now shifted towards understanding the other side – knowledge hiding. Why do people hide what they know, who do they hide it from, what role do leaders play, and above all what can organizations do about it? These are the kind of questions authors of the special issue Journal of organizational behavior Understanding knowledge hiding at work asked themselves.

Here are the articles:


As special issue editors, we (Catherine Connely, Matej Černe, Anders Dysvik, and Miha Škerlavaj) are also deeply grateful to all the anaonymous yet immensely developmental work of our reviewers, editor in chief Suzanne Masterson, editorial team of JOB, contributing authors (those accepted and those that were not), and everybody else involved in pushing the boundaries of behavioral science further. Thank you!

Studio ob 17h: Zaposleni na prvem mestu (… o sodelovanju in skrivanju znanja)

V ponedeljek 13.8.2018 je Radio Slovenia v Studiu ob 17h izpostavil temo skrivanja znanja med zaposlenimi v kontekstu pogovora med novinarko Majo Derčar, predstavnico Zdruzenja Manager Sašo Mrak, ter predstavnicama podjetij Danfoss Trata (Marjana Krajnc) in SIJ (Sara Wagner). Sogovornice so se pogovarjale o pomenu sodelovanja da znanje zaživi. Od 23:45 pa se mojih pet centov na temo raziskav, ki jih delamo s sodelavci v Sloveniji in po svetu na temo skrivanja znanja, razlogov za ta do sedaj nekoliko spregledani pojav in načinov kako ga preseči.

Povzetek oddaje:

Slovensko gospodarstvo na zunaj deluje kot dobro naoljen stroj. Vendar se konkurenčnost in produktivnost naše države le stežka premikata navzgor po mednarodno primerljivih lestvicah, in to kljub izobraženim in kompetentnim zaposlenim. Resnica je namreč, da zaposleni niso ne zadovoljni in ne motivirani. Vodilni v podjetjih so jih dolgo časa zanemarjali. “Zaposleni so samoumevni.” Nič več. Ti časi so mimo. Človeški kapital v družbi znanja je najdragocenejša dobrina in Slovenci šele odkrivamo, kako jo gojiti in razvijati.

Povezava na oddajo (tema skrivanja znanja od 23:45).

Tell me if you can: time pressure, prosocial motivation, perspective taking, and knowledge hiding

Welcome to read our recent publication on knowledge hiding, that aims to contribute to the nomological network of knowledge hiding construct by expanding the list of antecedents and contingencies to time pressure, prosocial motivation, and perspective taking.

Below is the abstract:

The belief that knowledge actually expands when it is shared has been deeply rooted in the mainstream knowledge management literature. Although many organizations and managers expect employees to share their knowledge with their colleagues, this does not always occur. This study aims to use the conservation of resources theory to explain why employees who experience greater time pressure are more likely to engage in knowledge hiding; it further considers how this behavior may be moderated by these employees’ prosocial motivation and perspective taking. The paper uses quantitative multi-study research design as a combination of two-wave field study among 313 employees at an insurance company and a lab experimental study. In the field study (Study 1), the authors find that perceived time pressure is positively related to knowledge hiding. Furthermore, this relationship is moderated by prosocial motivation: employees who perceive greater time pressure hide knowledge only when they are low in prosocial motivation. An experiment (Study 2) replicates these findings, and finds that perspective taking mediates the moderating effect of prosocial motivation on the relationship between time pressure and knowledge hiding.


Škerlavaj, M., Connelly, C. E., Cerne, M., & Dysvik, A. (2018). Tell me if you can: time pressure, prosocial motivation, perspective taking, and knowledge hiding. Journal of Knowledge Management,

Cultural intelligence, knowledge hiding, & individual and team creativity

Working across cultures is a thing of past, present, and hopefully also future. The question is now what contributes to good knowledge and innovation processes in such context. Sabina Bogilovic, Matej Cerne and Miha Skerlavaj in their article Hiding behind the mask? published in latest European journal of Work and Organizational Psychology argue that it is the cultural intelligence that enables both individuals and their teams to overcome social categorization, decrease knowledge hiding and improve creative outcomes.

Culturally diverse colleagues can be valuable sources for stimulating creativity at work, yet only if they decide to share their knowledge. Drawing on the social exchange theory, we propose that cross-cultural interactions among individuals from different national backgrounds can act as a salient contingency in the relationship between knowledge hiding and creativity (individual and team). We further suggest, based on the social categorization theory (e.g., the categorization process of “us” against “them” based on national differences), that cultural intelligence enhances the likelihood of high-quality social exchanges between culturally diverse individuals and, therefore, remedies the otherwise negative relationship between individual knowledge hiding and individual creativity. Two studies using field and experimental data offer consistent support for this argument. First, a field study of 621 employees nested among 70 teams revealed that individual knowledge hiding is negatively related to individual creativity and that cultural intelligence moderates the relationship between knowledge hiding and creativity at an individual level. A quasi-experimental study of 104 international students nested in 24 teams replicated and extended these findings by implying that individual knowledge hiding is also negatively related to team creativity. We discuss the implications for practice and future research.

HRMJ – knowledge hiding and innovative work behavior

In our recent study published at the Human Resource Management Journal and special issue on HRM and innovation, we show that job design (task interdependence and autonomy) and mastery climates can reduce the negative association between knowledge hiding and innovative work behavior.

This study investigates the multilevel interplay among team-level, job-related, and individual characteristics in stimulating employees innovative work behavior (IWB) based on the theoretical frameworks of achievement goal theory (AGT) and job characteristics theory (JCT). A multilevel two-source study of 240 employees and their 34 direct supervisors in two medium-sized Slovenian companies revealed significant two- and threeway interactions, where a mastery climate, task interdependence, and decision autonomy moderated the relationship between knowledge hiding and IWB. When employees hide knowledge, a team mastery climate only facilitates high levels of IWB if accompanied by either high task interdependence or high decision autonomy. In the absence of one of these job characteristics, knowledge hiding prevents higher levels of IWB
even in the case of strong team mastery climate. The results suggest that multiple job design antecedents are necessary to neutralize the negative influence of knowledge hiding on micro-innovation processes within organizations.

Journal of Organizational Behavior – Special Issue on knowledge hiding

jobTo all the researchers interested in better understanding of knowledge hiding, here is the link to the special issue of Journal of Organizational Behavior. Guest editors Catherine Connelly, Anders Dysvik, Miha Skerlavaj, and Matej Cerne are interested in both quantitative and qualitative work that advances the field. Submission deadline December 1st, 2017. Welcome!