Have to say this, I am really proud of my MSc students at BI Norwegian Business School for the work they have done. MKWCI TV is a BI Learning Lab project created by students of major in Leadership and change, within the course Managing knowledge work, creativity and innovation. Students assumed the role of innovation journalists and co-created 12 digital video recorded narratives about chosen concepts and ideas from the course in real-life settings. Stories of success and failure, all deep learning about what is the role of people in innovation processes. Enjoy the show!



FELU Award for Research Achievements in 2010

Faculty of Economics @ University of Ljubljana awarded my colleagues and myself for the second time in the last three years with an award for research achievements. This time we got second prize for the paper Škerlavaj, M., Dimovski, V., & Desouza, K. (2010): Patterns and Structures of Intra-Organizational Learning Networks Within a Knowledge-Intensive Organization, Journal of Information Technology, 25(2):189-204.

The abstract. This paper employs the network perspective to study patterns and structures of intra-organizational learning networks. The theoretical background draws from cognitive theories, theories of homophily and proximity, theories of social exchange, the theory of generalized exchange, small-worlds theory, and social process theory. The levels of analysis applied are actor, dyadic, triadic, and global. Confirmatory social network analysis (exponential random graph modeling) was employed for data analysis. Findings suggest: (1) central actors in the learning network are experienced and hold senior positions in the organizational hierarchy; (2) evidence of homophily (in terms of gender, tenure, and hierarchical level relations) and proximity (in terms of geographical and departmental distances) in learning relationships; (3) learning relationships are non-reciprocal; and (4) transitivity and high local clustering with sparse inter-cluster ties are significant for intra-organizational learning networks.

Some pics from the event are available at the following link.

EJIM Special Issue on Knowledge and Learning Networks in Organisations

Special issue of the European Journal of International Management, co-edited by my colleague Robert Kaše and myself was just published. Below are links to the most interesting papers on this hot topic. Enjoy the reading! 

European Journal of International Management (EJIM), Volume 4 – Issue 6 – 2010

Special Issue on Knowledge and Learning Networks in Organisations
Guest Editors: Robert Kaše and Miha Škerlavaj

   Table of Contents PDF Editorial  Introduction  
Pages Title and authors
556 – 575 Dynamic information retrieval and allocation flows in project teams with discontinuous membership
Michelle Shumate, Rahinah Ibrahim, Raymond Levitt
DOI: 10.1504/EJIM.2010.035589
576 – 601 Understanding the structures, antecedents and outcomes of organisational learning and knowledge transfer: a multi-theoretical and multilevel network analysis
Chunke Su, Meikuan Huang, Noshir Contractor
DOI: 10.1504/EJIM.2010.035590
602 – 620 Inter-organisational collective learning: the case of biotechnology in France
Alvaro Pina-Stranger, Emmanuel Lazega
DOI: 10.1504/EJIM.2010.035591
621 – 643 The elephant in the room: the applicability of axiomatic approaches to network learning and organisational knowledge
John H. Powell, Juani Swart
DOI: 10.1504/EJIM.2010.035592

Učeče se nevladne organizacije

Pred kratkim sem slišal globoko izjavo, ki pravi: ‘Ni važno koliko znaš, temveč koliko ti je mar!’. Življenje me je do sedaj naučilo tudi to, da ko se srečata srce in znanje ponavadi nastanejo najboljše reči. Zato sem z veseljem podal svoje skromno mnenje o učečih se nevladnih organizacijah in pomenu mreženja za potrebe posveta Učeče se NVO (21.5.2010, Ljubljana) v organizaciji mreže EduAkcija in Zveze tabornikov Slovenije. Kratek video nagovor si lahko ogledate spodaj:

Poleg tega sem podal tudi kratko izjavo o posebnostih učenja v NVO, ki je bilo objavljeno v Biltenu EduAkcija, marec 2010.

Med uvajanjem konceptov učeče se organizacije v podjetja in nevladne organizacije je kar nekaj podobnosti in obenem tudi razlik. Skupno je recimo to, da je stalna težnja k učenju posameznikov, timov in organizacij dejansko edini trajen vir napredka naše družbe. Od razlik bi izpostavil vprašanje motivacije za učenje. Raziskave kažejo, da je aktivnih ‘učencev’ približno 10 odstotkov, pasivnih 80, takih, ki ga zavračajo pa še preostalih 10 odstotkov. Menedžerji podjetij lahko spodbujajo razvoj učečih se podjetij z orodji, kot so sistemi finančnega in nefinančnega nagrajevanja, vodenje z zgledom ipd. Za nevladne učeče se organizacije motivacija za učenje ni takšen problem, ker imamo tukaj opravka z pretežno aktivnimi in notranje motiviranimi kadri. Zato pa je po moji oceni eden izmed ključnih izzivov, kako vzpostaviti omrežja teh notranje motiviranih, a obenem tudi relativno slabo povezanih posameznikov in organizacij. Pozdravljam projekt eduAkcija, ki skuša odgovoriti na točno takšen izziv!

Patterns and structures of intra-organizational learning networks within a knowledge-intensive organization

Another publication of ours available on-line in a top-notch academic journal:

Škerlavaj, M., Dimovski, V., Desouza, K.C. (In press): Patterns and structures of intra-organizational learning networks within a knowledge-intensive organization. Journal of Information Technology, doi: 10.1057/jit.2010.3


This paper employs the network perspective to study patterns and structures of intra-organizational learning networks. The theoretical background draws from cognitive theories, theories of homophily and proximity, theories of social exchange, the theory of generalized exchange, small-worlds theory, and social process theory. The levels of analysis applied are actor, dyadic, triadic, and global. Confirmatory social network analysis (exponential random graph modeling) was employed for data analysis. Findings suggest: (1) central actors in the learning network are experienced and hold senior positions in the organizational hierarchy; (2) evidence of homophily (in terms of gender, tenure, and hierarchical level relations) and proximity (in terms of geographical and departmental distances) in learning relationships; (3) learning relationships are non-reciprocal; and (4) transitivity and high local clustering with sparse inter-cluster ties are significant for intra-organizational learning networks.


organizational learning; social network analysis; centrality; homophily and proximity; reciprocity; transitivity

Journal Citation Reports®, 2008 Impact Factor: 1.966*, Rank: 24/99 – Computer Science, Information Systems, 10/61 – Information Science & Library Science, 27/89 – Management

Intra-organizational learning networks within knowledge-intensive learning environments

A new publication on learning networks is now officially availabe to the interested audience:

Škerlavaj, M., Dimovski, V., Mrvar, A. and Pahor, M.(2010) ‘Intra-organizational learning networks within knowledge-intensive learning environments‘, Interactive Learning Environments, 18: 1, 39 — 63,


Organizational learning contributes to organizational performance. One research  question that remains inadequately explained is how learning occurs. Can it be
explained by using the acquisition or participation perspectives? Or is there a need for some other view? This paper suggests that learning networks form an
important learning environment for knowledge transfer. A case study of a software development and business consulting company is used to test the
network perspective on intra-organizational learning. Both exploratory and confirmatory social network analysis of a learning network within the IT
company are used to establish learning patterns within organizations. Learning needs to be seen as both participation in communities of practice and a flow of
previously acquired knowledge.

Keywords: organizational learning; network perspective; social network analysis; exponential random graph modeling; knowledge-intensive learning environment

Author Posting. © ‘Copyright Holder’, 2010.
This is the author’s version of the work. It is posted here by permission of ‘Copyright Holder’ for personal use, not for redistribution.
The definitive version was published in Interactive Learning Environments, Volume 18 Issue 1, March 2010.
doi:10.1080/10494820802190374 (

Exploratory study of organizational learning network within a Spanish high-tech company

efrizbornikMy research efforts related to studying organizational learning networks are becoming more and more international. This time we published a paper together with Spanish colleagues from University of Castilla-La Mancha. The paper citation is Sánchez de Pablo González del Campo, Jesús David; Guadamillas Gómez, Fátima; Dimovski, Vlado; Škerlavaj, Miha (2008): Exploratory Study of Organizational Learning Network in a Spanish High-tech Company, Proceedings of Rijeka Faculty of Economics – Journal of Economics and Business, 26(2): 257-277.

Here is the abstract:

The paper presents an exploratory study of the intra-organizational learning network in the context of a Spanish high-tech company. It expands the generalization of the network perspective to intra-organizational learning. Based on an exploratory social network analysis, we formulated four propositions that will be developed and contrasted in a later confirmatory study. First, the exploratory analysis demonstrates the importance of industry experience and tenure within the company as a common denominator of most central employees within learning networks. Second, similarity in terms of experiential level breeds mutual learning. Third, complementarity of knowledge is important for the formation of learning ties. Fourth, physical proximity creates opportunities to learn. Future research will need to test these four propositions in a confirmatory study.

Proceedings of Rijeka Faculty of Economics – Journal of Economics and Business is a new SSCI ranked journal (indexed since July, 31 2008).

Invitation to EURAM2009 – Knowledge renewal in social networks

We would like to invite you to the annual EURAM conference – Track “Knowledge renewal in social networks“. The focus of the track is the renewal of knowledge, hence learning and knowledge transfer,  in social networks. We aim to develop insights into (i) how knowledge behaves in networks, (ii) how it is refined and (iii) how it is reconfigured. The deadline for submissions is December 5 2008. Call for papers is available here.

Juani Swart, University of Bath, UK
John Powell, University of Cardiff, UK
Robert Kaše, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Miha Škerlavaj, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia


Analiza družbenih omrežij kot managersko orodje

Objavili smo: Škerlavaj, M., Dimovski, V. (2008) Analiza družbenih omrežij kot managersko orodje. HRM (Ljubl.), okt. 2008, letn. 6, št. 25, str. 6-12.

Članek poudarja pomen poznavanja omrežij znanja in učenja med člani organizacij za uspešnost poslovanja. Izhaja iz predpostavke, da je mogoče tudi neformalna omrežja managirati. V ta namen najprej predstavi analizo družbenih omrežij organizacij kot sodobno orodje managementa. Prikaže tudi nekaj možnosti uporabe analize omrežij v organizacijah, kot so omrežja učenja in prenosa znanja, omrežja ustvarjanja novih idej in podpore pri inoviranju, omrežja odločanja, sodelovanja ipd. Članek podrobneje prikaže omrežja znanja in učenja na nekaj praktičnih primerih vizualizacije in navaja napotke za njihov management.

Do članka je možno dostopati tukaj.

Research seminar in Cardiff & Bath

For those of you who will be around Cardiff Business School (18.5.2008) or University of Bath (20.5.2008), here is a research seminar that I’ll give: “Organizational learning: Why and how?“.