Publication in JIM

JIMThere is a new publication available on the topic of innovation and national cultures, presented by my colleagues (including my-humble-self): Černe, M., Jaklič, M., & Škerlavaj, M. (2013): Decoupling management and technological innovations: Resolving the individualism–collectivism controversy, Journal of international management. Given the fact that individualism (or collectivism) is a rather visible and important feature of national cultures for the innovation process, it was surprising for us how contradicting the findings from previous research actually were. So we decided to fine-tine the understanding of innovation, utilize as vast as possible international datasets and got some interesting findings, we believe. Abstract:

This study aims to resolve the contradictory previous research findings on the relationship between individualism–collectivism and innovation. We draw on innovation theory and relate to the difference between non-technological (management) and technological innovation types as well as to the distinction between exploration and exploitation (invention and commercialization of technological innovations). Using Community Innovation Survey (CIS) 2006 micro data for innovation at the organizational level in 13 countries – along with, GLOBE (2005), and scores for individualism–collectivism – we apply Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM). The results indicate that individualism is positively related to the invention phase, whereas collectivism is beneficial for the commercialization of innovative ideas. Furthermore, in collectivistic cultures, management innovation plays a more important stimulating role in enhancing technological innovation than it does in individualistic ones. This provides the managers with an idea of when innovation processes in their companies would be more favorable versus detrimental.

Comments, ideas, suggestions, most welcome!

JEEMS publication: Organizational learning culture in seven countries

I’d like to announce the following publication: Miha Škerlavaj, Chunke Su, Meikuan Huang: The moderating effects of national culture on the development of organizational learning culture: A multilevel study across seven countries, JEEMS, 18(1): 97-134. Below is the abstract:

This study examines the moderating effects of national culture dimensions (Hofstede 1980) on three key elements in the development of organisational learning culture: information acquisition, information interpretation and behavioral and cognitive changes. Data were collected from 1333 companies in three CEE countries (Slovenia, Croatia, Macedonia) and other regions. The results showed that four national cultural dimensions (power distance, individualism, masculinity, and uncertainty avoidance) had no significant moderating effects on the relationship between information acquisition and information interpretation. However, the relationship between information interpretation and behavioral and cognitive changes was positively moderated by power distance, and negatively moderated by individualism, masculinity and uncertainty avoidance.

Konferenca FEEL – napovednik

logo feel12. junija 2013 bom v okviru FEEL konference predaval na temo vloge voditeljev pri oblikovanju organizacijske klime za ustvarjalno in inovativno delo. Prispevek sva pripravila skupaj z Matejem Černetom, povzetek pa sledi:

V vedno bolj dinamičnem in negotovem poslovnem okolju so organizacije odvisne od ustvarjalnih idej posameznikov. Ustvarjalnost je temeljni dejavnik, ki služi kot odskočna deska za inovativnost posameznikov, skupin in organizacij. Zasledovanje ustvarjalnosti in inovativnosti je etično do vseh deležnikov organizacij – zaposlenih, partnerjev, lastnikov in družbe. Inovacije namreč vodijo v višjo dodano vrednost zaposlenih, spodbujajo rast in razvoj podjetij, ekonomski napredek in vodijo v večjo blaginjo družbe kot celote. Pri spodbujanju ustvarjalnosti zaposlenih in pretvarjanju le-te v inovativnost seveda igrajo veliko vlogo voditelji. S svojim delovanjem spodbujajo ustrezno organizacijsko klimo za ustvarjanje in udejanjanje idej. Primerna organizacijska klima mora uravnotežiti tako sodelovanje in razvoj (mojstrstvo), kot tudi poudarjati doseganje ciljev (uspešnost). Poleg spodbujanja tovrstne klime in zagotavljanja ustreznega motivacijskega mikro-okolja (pomen, avtonomija in mojstrstvo) morajo voditelji izražati podporo ustvarjalnim idejam in zagotoviti resurse za njihovo izvedbo. Velja biti pozoren tudi na organizacijske realnosti, ki se jim moramo pri etičnem voditeljstvu izogibati oz. jih preprečevati – npr. skrivanju znanja in pretiranem izražanju posameznih stilov vodenja. Tovrstna vedenja namreč vodijo v to, da številne iniciative za spodbujanje ustvarjalnosti v podjetjih ne dosežejo svojih učinkov. Če se destruktivna vedenja pri delu ponavljajo dalj časa, lahko pride do nevarne spirale nezaupanja, kar ima lahko katastrofalne družbenoekonomske, organizacijske in posamezne učinke v smislu zavrte ustvarjalnosti in inovativnosti.