Vodenje s posluhom: Robert Hrgota

Sezona za slovenske smučarske skakalce je zaključena in to izjemno uspešno. Kdo so ljudje v ozadju tega kontinuiranega uspeha? Kako voditi zvezde in iz njih oblikovati tim srčnih ljudi? O tem in še marsičem, sva se z Anjo Hlača Ferjančič na Valu 202 pogovarjala s trenerjem slovenske reprezentance Robertom Hrgoto. Naša korespondenca se začne nekako takole “Kje pa sta mene našla?“. Beri, “ kaj lahko jaz povem o vodenju? “ – Veliko, zelo veliko! Recimo: “Ni problem, če te drugi hvalijo. Problem je, če to začneš verjeti sam.” ali pa o tem, kako ga je izkušnja prejetega zaupanja pripravila tudi za vlogo vodje, ki je to postal skozi krizno situacijo.

Vabljeni k poslušanju.

Idea chamioning and readiness to change

Welcome to read the article about leaders’ idea championing and followers readiness to change, just published in Journal of Change Management by dr. Antonio Sadarić and myself.

Change agents influence employee attitudes in order for organizations to change. In an effort to unravel this influence mechanism, we examined the change leader-recipient relationship. More specifically, how change leaders’ championing (independent variable) relates to recipients’ readiness to change (dependent variable). Our conceptual model of change leaders’ prosocial sensegiving is based on adult attachment theory operationalized through storytelling. To test our model, we surveyed 164 change recipients undergoing organizational change in various industries. Results confirm the first part of our model: psychological need satisfaction partially mediates the relation between change leaders’ championing and recipients’ readiness to change. In other words, prosocial change leaders act as attachment figures alleviating anxiety caused by ambiguity addressing change recipients’ proximity-seeking behaviour. Despite what has been described in scholarly works, change leaders’ methods of persuasion seem to be a more accurate indicator of recipients’ readiness for change. Part two of our hypothesized model could not be confirmed: moderation effects of leader influence and narrative intelligence could not be confirmed. We conclude that prosocial change leaders’ who demonstrate narrative intelligence use stories to elicit an emotional response from change recipients, effectively increasing their perceived psychological need satisfaction, ultimately affecting their readiness to change.

Giving Sense to Change Leadership

Welcome to read the paper dr. Antonio Sadarić and myself wrote about sensemaking and change leadership. Recent studies on change agency and organizational change failure have signicantly broadened the organizational behavior perspective on individual change experiences, however, the underlying mechanism for change leaders’ infuential behavior remains a relatively underspecied area. Our central theoretical contribution focuses on the ways in which linking the finndings from different research areas that deal with storytelling and persuasive communication can contribute to understanding the underlying mechanism of change leaders’ influential behavior. We examine the various strands of research in management concerned with change leadership and persuasive communication, and propose a multidisciplinary perspective from a variety of perspectives. Our approach draws on the key theoretical perspectives from the social cognitive theory and commensurable interdisciplinary findings as the basis for a narrative-based process model of change leaders’ in uential behavior. Our model includes propositions about the change leader’s interpretation of ideological change as well as the change leader’s process of sensemaking and sensegiving. We argue that the change leader’s persuasive communication efforts are based on the leader’s narrative intelligence and in uence, which promote the change recipient’s attachment formation.

Keywords: Change leadership, Persuasive communication, Narrative-based process model, Social cognitive theory